Hotels, guest houses, bed & breakfasts, hostels, spas, gyms, casinos, and other hospitality venues require an effective and efficient means of helping their guests find their way around. Many such venues have varied sections that provide different services to their guests. Informative signage allows them to navigate their way around and get to where they need to.
This is especially important for larger hospitality venues that may have many sections that are spread out. Since it can be costly and inconvenient to have to keep asking staff, signage makes people better able to ascertain where they are and how to get to where they want.
For hospitality venues that provide accommodation, door plaques, room signs, and floor numbers help direct guests to their rooms. It is important to have rooms properly labelled when you have many guests and facilities that are similar to one another. This way every guest is assured of proper identification and enjoys space and privacy.
When you have additional amenities like restaurants, bars, swimming pools, gyms, and spas on site, signage will help direct guests to where they can access them. The same applies to those that are not hotel guests but rather outside visitors that still want to access the same.
Within certain facilities like gyms and restaurants, there is also a need to further designate sections such as kitchens, bathrooms, changing rooms, and so on. Signage allows for observers to know where they are permitted to enter and where they should not.
When cleaning, maintenance or repair work is being done, signage will also help to warn those around to be careful and if required, avoid certain areas. This is for the health and safety of all.
This signage allows patrons to more easily find the venue, identify the parking area, and entrance for access. Options like monolith signs, Dibond signs, hanging signs, and acrylic lettering are popularly used. This kind of signage is also helpful for hospitality venues that have multiple buildings with separate entrances.
Signage can be used to ensure that some sections that are permitted only to in-house guests are clearly designated from those that even outside guests can access. Signage is used to facilitate wayfinding so that people can get to where they need to without encroaching on the privacy of others.
Hospitality venues will need to provide their guests with directions to where they need to go. Wayfinding signage helps direct guests so they can find the facilities they want. It will also help them identify the location of their rooms if there is accommodation. Room and floor numbers are normally sequential to help with quick identification of where to go.
Signage can also be used to indicate fire exits and locations of safety equipment like extinguishers. This is useful during emergencies so people know where they can quickly exit.
Besides finding their way around, signage in hospitality and leisure facilities also helps to designate areas where people are permitted to enter and those they are not. Certain places, like kitchens, employee changing rooms, housekeeping stores, security rooms and so on require restricted access and should not be accessible to guests.